How do I know what bird is right for me?
Determining what will be the right bird for you and your family situation, lifestyle, personality and budget can be a confusing decision for many people.
What size bird is best for you?
– What behavior or temperament are you looking for that will fit your lifestyle?
– What are the nutrition and maintenance requirements for the bird you choose?
– What is your budget?
– What is the parrot’s lifespan?
Is my bird male or female?
In most cases we actually don’t know! Some species can have their sex determined by the color of their plumage, like parakeets and the easily sexed Eclectus Parrot (the males are green, the females red). These birds are called dimorphic.
Most of the birds that we raise and sell, however are monomorphic, meaning that you cannot visually determine the sex of your bird. In this case, if you are looking to breed your bird, or just want to be sure, we do offer off-site DNA testing.
I would like to know what kind of wire is safe for making an outdoor aviary for too's, tiels, and lovebirds.?
The most common wire and easiest to cut would be GAW (galvanized after welding) – 12 gauge 1×1 for cockatoos, and maybe 14 gauge 1/2×1 for the smaller birds. It’s wise to scrub down the wire with water and vinegar before using the cages to remove any minute metallic pieces that could be ingested by the birds.
Do you offer shipping?
Yes we do. Your bird will travel in a climate controlled pet cargo area and arrive in an airline-approved carrier at the closest major airport to your location. Our birds fly commercial aircraft and we will furnish you in advance with flight numbers and times, as well as a reference number to identify your bird.
We will make all arrangements. You will need your reference number as well as a picture id to claim your bird at the airport. You will pick up your bird at the airport as if you were picking up a friend!
Do parrots have a good sense of smell?
Yes. Most parrots have a keen sense of smell. It’s believed that they exude an aroma to attract a mate.
Is it safe to ship my bird?
We love our birds and would never put them at risk. We will not ship in the winter months if the temperature is less than 45 degrees. Rest assured, your bird will be well taken care of during his journey home to meet you!
What is the difference between weand and un-weaned?
Baby birds are pulled from their parents and we, in essence become their new “moms”. Just like human babies, these bird need help with feeding. We feed our birds formula by syringe until they can eat on their own.
We WILL NOT sell un-weaned birds, nor would we force a bird to wean. The time-frame for weaning is different in each bird. When the bird has repeatedly refused formula and gained back it’s weight on solid food, we will consider it “weaned”.
If your bird is not properly weaned, it may scream and bite. Please be patient – both you and your bird will be happier!
Do parrots see in color?
Yes. They may even see a broader spectrum of colors than humans do.
Do parrots have tastebuds?
Yes. They have approximately 350 as opposed to the 9000 that humans have. They are located in the back of the throat and the base of the tongue. Their taste buds can differentiate sweet, sour, bitter and salty tastes.
How can I tell if my bird is catching a cold?
Birds do not catch “colds”. They do, however, come down with viral and bacterial infections. If your bird is lethargic, has a nasal discharge, is fluffed, sneezes alot, isn’t eating properly, etc., you need to get him to a vet for an evaluation and treatment ASAP! By the time that birds show symptoms, their systems are already compromised and they can go downhill fast. There are also diseases that you can get from them that could possibly be fatal to you even after a bird dies. Find a good avian vet to determine what the problem is. It might also only be dietary.